Membership, funding and constitution

The HoPE Association is decidedly not a traditional political party - just pursuing its aims makes it very different to any existing political party.

  • Membership would be open to all based on agreement to the aims, it will work across all sections of society to create a shared sense of solidarity and citizenship
  • Funding would be voluntary, if there were large donations the association would specify, up front that they will be accepted without strings or commitment. A donation may come to help an existing project not a future one (unless agreed by the whole membership)
  • The constitution would include the necessary protections against the association being turned into something else – such as a political party – but should be worked out by the membership and kept under review, if the objectives are transformational it would seem likely that the association would also change and evolve.

So, supporters and volunteers please get in touch so that we can form storm and norm…

Suggestions for early work

Here are my views on some very specific tactical activities (and the justification for them) that HoPE Association members should consider and decide upon;

  1. Building a knowledge/resource base
  2. Looking at new forms of representation
  3. Looking at further constitutional reform
  4. Sponsoring independent politicians

Let me stress these are ideas to be used to get started, the membership will need to go through a process to select and prioritise work.