'You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete'
'There’s a built-in resistance to letting humanity be a success. Each one claims that their system is the best one for coping with inadequacy. We have to make them all obsolete. We need to find within technology that there is something we can do which is capable of taking care of everybody, and to demonstrate that this is so...Don't fight forces, use them.'
See https://www.bfi.org/about-bfi
A roundup of quotes here https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Buckminster_Fuller
Part 4 Act - Strategy - Creating Change
Part 4 Act - Tactics - Information - HoPEdia
Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow, Pengiun, 2011, ISBN 978-0-14103357-0 Bibliography
Part 1 pages 19-97 describes the two systems
Part 4 Act - Strategy - Principles of action - The four principles
We know from Donella Meadows that a shift in mindset (paradigm shift) is the most effective way to change a system
We know from Thomas Kuhn the impact of paradigm shifts in science
and we know from George Lakoff the power of framing
Part 4 Act - Strategy - Principles of action
The Structure of Politics at the Accession of George III, Lewis Namier, London, Macmillan, 1957; 514pp
For a view of the role of independents in a historical setting, see this classic of whig history,
Part 4 Act - Tactics - Organisation - Sponsoring Independents
See both:
- Owen Jones; The Establishment and how they get away with it, Allen Lane, 2014
- Parliament Limited, Martin Williams, Hodder & Stoughton 2016
Cf. Part 2 Assess - Timeline - Present where politics, participation and governance are discussed
Part 4 Acts - Tactics - Organisation - New forms of representation
Keeping up the Biblical quotations “neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit” Matthew 7-18, which aptly sums up why a culture that thinks public good arise from encouraging selfishness and private greed is wrong, has always been wrong and cannot do anything but coarsen society
Part 4 - Act - Strategy - Principles of action - The three pillars
From childhood, I recall 'By their fruits you shall know them' (Mathew 7-20) or as my mother used to say, quoting from the old testament 'be sure your sin will find you out' (Numbers 32-23)
Part 4 Act - Strategy - Principles of Action
Coincidently, as I was writing this All in The Mind, BBC Radio 4, 6thNovember 2018 carried an item featuring Dr J. Frimmer – University of Winnipeg who has done research which shows that incivility is not the best political tactic, it may grab attention and mobilise the base, people who are already committed, but it is less effective at winning over the undecided.
Part 4 Act - Strategy - Principle of action - The three pillars
The following paragraphs added 12 November 2019
These ideas were prompted by listening to BBC Radio 4 Costing the Earth, if holistic political economy is about systems thinking then the government needs to be organised along systems lines as opposed to what could be described as departmental silos with a patchwork of agencies and other organisations. This is more than appointing someone with cross departmental resposnsibilty it needs to be done in a fundamental way, by design.
The Governments draft environment bill which I reference can be found here.
Part 4 - Act - Tactics - Organisation - Constitutional Reform
I am thinking here of the application to open decision making rather than business forecasting. This is just and example, one of many techniques for collaboration, group working and decision making that need to move from business into the political sphere. I could envisage a citizens panels being facilitated and using something like a Delphi process when reviewing policy options for a public body, the conceptual hurdle is the right of the citizens to be in charge as much as the details of the process.
Part 4 Act - Tactics - The HoPE Association - Association Activities
And its impact has become a topic of debate within the Green Party
Part 4 Act - Tactics - Organisation - A note on the progressive alliance
c. July 2020 Notes
The site I have actually created and launched, hope-wiki.com, is much simpler than the vision I had when I articulated the concept as HoPEedia in 2018.
What I have on the site is a simple listing or catalogue of examples. The starter set simply came from the examples I cited here and copied over together with new ones I have found in the meantime. I continue to be encouraged by the creativity and variety of fresh thinking that is out there. I intend to just keep plugging away at this adding entries as I go, hopefully the volume will build up over time and attract more contributors.
From a purist perspective hope-wiki is not actually a wiki at all because I ask for people to join and contribute draft entries which are curated: it is a wiki only in the general sense that it is an online encyclopaedia that anyone can sign up to contribute to. I have limited IT skills and would rather concentrate on the work than the tools - this was the easiest way to set up a site to act as a proof of concept - think of it as a beta version.
I leave the original discussion and vision here for the record. If a cooperative can be formed to take on this activity and develop the site (or replace it) so that it more nearly realises the the vision then the site I have created it will have served its purpose.
The domain HoPEdia was already taken, hope-wiki will have to serve.
"Independents for Frome (IfF) operates primarily at election times. It is a way to enable truly independent candidates to stand – and win – local elections in Frome. The councillors elected can then work without party political ideology to make the best decisions they can for Frome without a ‘whip’ or formal leadership."
Part 4 Act - Tactics - Organisation - Sponsoring Independents
In the early days of the Internet it hosted something called the Whole Earth Catalogue, the idealism is long gone, but cyberspace is plentiful, no matter how big the areas "fenced off" by corporations unlike physical real estate hyperspace is (practically) unlimited - we can still do this.
Part 4 Act - Tactics - Information - HoPEdia, what is it like?
See https://wikimediafoundation.org/about/
Part 4 Act - Tactics - Information - HoPEdia, how does it happen?
Scott in Against the Grain thinks that the ability to run away from the tyranny of slave based early civilisations or just the sheer drudgery needed to make early agriculture work was a key factor in their development
James C Scott; Against the Grain, A Deep History of the Earliest States, Yale, 2017, ISBN 978-0-300-18291-0 Bibliography
Part 4 Act - Strategy - Principles of action - The four principles