The activity undertaken is likely to fall into three broad areas; support and advocacy, research, education promotion and campaigning.
Support and Advocacy
I envisage an organisation that exists to sponsor and support any and all activities that will help bring holistic political economy into existence. It would provide some support for the loose coupling of all organisations and individuals that work and act in the new ways.
The organisation will spread lessons learned and best practice, in so doing it will be helping to lay the foundations of the new holistic political economy that will gradually replace the exiting one. We already have the collective knowledge to be sure that such foundations exist.
The organisation would propose, sponsor and undertake research into the new politics and new economics. The agenda will cover such things as
- Where has sortition been tried and with what results?
- How far can a Delphi process used and be scaled up Note: Delphi Process ?
- How can voluntarism be brought back in a world of insecure work?
These are merely ideas, the HoPE Association should develop links with other organisations, including universities where primary research is being done.
Education, Promotion and Campaigning
As a way of promoting its values, ideas and agenda the organisation should undertake education. This could include the host of soft skills needed such as (but not limited to) how to use facilitation as a form of leadership, effective meetings, dealing with difficult people, and conflict de-escalation. More traditional advertising and campaigning utilising traditional and new media would be also undertaken.