One more thing; the model of managed change requires that we define the measures (metrics) that will signify the end of one stage of development and the pre-conditions needed to start on the next – what do we use instead of GDP and growth, how many co-ops are there, what is the rate of formation…and on.
In very general terms as holistic economy is brought into being, we will see a rise in co-operative enterprises and the closing down of space where speculation and greed are tolerated as a regrettable cost, rather than a simple affront to our collective wellbeing. We will see many other things as well such as adoption rates for green technology or the areas of land covered by forests increasing.
In addition to using the change framework, we should press into service the notion of the balanced scorecard and match it to the stages of development. Purposeful activity and measurement go hand in hand. By treating change as a process, that goes through predictable stages, we have a framework both for planning activities and measuring progress at a more granular level.
Activities can be focused by looking at what still needs to be done to complete the current stage of development; how many cooperatives, how many people in the association, how many independent MP’s, which bits of enabling legislation. Thinking about the next stage, in terms of the actions needed to bring it about enables us to define the measures we can make to see that it has been achieved.
My straw man for this is presented in Vision, Good Characteristics, Measurement
If the measures are defined we don’t need specific targets what we need to see is the direction of travel, are we heading towards the shift in thinking and behaviours represented in Vision, How different will it be?